Young Fives
MCP’s Unique Young Fives program
Children in the Young Fives program attend two special sessions per week, diving into hands-on explorations of literacy, math, science and more, geared towards the Young Fives readiness levels, all while continuing to develop their social and self-responsibility skills.
With a low student/teacher ratio, the Young Fives program is for children ready for a little more in preparation for Kindergarten or would like to spend an extra year in preschool even if they are old enough to start Kindergarten or Junior Kindergarten.
Students who are enrolled in a full-day Multi-Age schedule and will be 5 before June 1 of that school year can add on MCP’s Young Fives program!
The Young Fives program meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12:45-2:15pm (as part of the full day schedule).
Explorations in Science through Hands-On Learning
In our Young Fives program, children become scientists, learning about the world around them through hands-on activities like plant dissection, making predictions and charting their findings about the plants they are growing and experimenting with with volume and density.
Investigations into Literacy and Mathematics through
Play and Art
Students develop deeper understanding of letters, letter sounds, writing and mathematics through play and collaboration, working together to write silly stories, play with letter sounds and make artwork that allows them to investigate mathematical and literary concepts.

Come and see us!
Contact us to schedule a tour of our Little Red Schoolhouse!